I know I have met more than one gracious person who, through their own trial and error and sometimes hours if not DAYS of frustration--find out how to make some fabulous new element or write out an informative tutorial--or create some fantastic brushes, patterns and styles for all of us to use--and in many cases these are for personal and commercial use.........and in many cases are offered freely. This saves the rest of us countless hours (and in my case, I know the undertaking and haven't had time myself to even THINK about tackling it).
One of these special people--for they are rare in this world, aren't they?--left a link to a tutorial on how to install and use a layer style.....seems simple enough, right? BUT--for me, I was never going to find the time to figure this out, or search and search for a tutorial on my own--and to top it all off, she created yet ANOTHER fabulous layer style, CU and free--so broke arse people, like me, can enjoy them too! AND-- she made ANOTHER FAB Alpha, also CU and FREE from her newest layer style!!!!
OK, over-use of exclamation points there--but I am so thrilled that I was given these gifts and the links to figure out how to use them, that I just have to dedicate this post to her------The Scrappin' Cop (And, I work in Law Enforcement, and haven't met many cops who are HALF as nice as she is!!)
Folks---I want to take the time here to recognize Scrappin Cop-- she has been learning all kinds of new and fun things about her program, and she freely shares EVERYTHING it seems, with all of us--she certainly earned her "Generous Designer Award" from KittenKaboodle!! You are simply amazing for all you do and all you share! THANK YOU for giving so much of yourself and your time and talents!!
Because of your latest gift--I have a whole other avenue of possibilities opened up for me, and you have my sincerest gratitude!
I would also like to thank all of the tutorial writers, and Misty Cato, in particular here--I received my PSE 5 program with my new tablet--and it doesn't come with a book of instructions. The help features are very limited and I am completely lost. Your tut helped me SO much!! So, thank you to you and all of the tut writers for sharing your knowledge and experience with all of us!!
And Thank you to the CU Designers-- your generous TOUs and allowance to all to use your creations for personal and commercial use allows many, like me to become inspired. It gives us an avenue to explore and experiment and be creative by choosing colors, patterns and textures of our own. It makes the finished product more special because through our own imagination and creativity that CU item becomes our own little masterpiece! I cannot make bows---YET--but am beginning to do more with ribbons, and now that I know how to use layer styles--it should be much easier to master, LOL! I have also been inspired by many CU items, to get creative enough--and brave enough--to try my own hand at making things on my own, from scratch! How wonderful is that? I can now look at something and "see" how to do it--just because you firstly gave me a blank slate to work with! AND--many CU items have given me ideas for other elements and inspired me to try new and original things too!
I am currently working on my Christmas kits--and have hand drawn several of the items that will be going into them. There are many ideas and plans for many other elements and today, I was given a fabulous new tool to use, while I knew it was there, I had no clue how to utilize it---so, all of you generous souls in this wonderful community--I think I will be sending you a special Christmas gift (or two)!
Once I get faster at designing, I'll be offering more here, for all to use as well--CU and personal use---because I KNOW how helpful these tools really are.
Right now, I'm slow as molasses, LOL! And--I have many things to create and deadlines to meet for the store, but I PROMISE...once I get into the swing of things and get momentum, you will all be seeing more from me here.
There will be a catch, however---and that is simple. If I offer a freebie, and you download without leaving a thank you--I will no longer offer freebies openly but create a list of those who comment a thank you or a kind word and offer the freebies to them only. I have had over 250 downloads of my last freebie, which is a mini kit---and I have received only 14 thank yous!! That's pretty pathetic and says a LOT about the piss-poor state our manners is in....and as much I try not to let it, it really does hurt my feelings.
Anyway--- this post was to be about OTHER people and not me..so people, please say "hello" to these fabulous people if you visit their blogs--and take a moment to say "Thank you" if you accept the gifts they offer you there too, they are truly amazing people and a rare treat in this world!!
Thank you for your FUN templates, buttons, patterns, styles--you name it! Girl, you ROCK!
The Scrappin CopMabelle--I just adore you and your fantastic creations! You are truly a gem and I am lucky to have "met" you and been able to work with your fantastic and one of a kind kits!
My Digi StyleJeanie--you are such a kind and giving person! I imagine that everyone who meets you wants to befriend you--you are so warm and caring and your darling kids (natural and foster children) are blessed to have you for their Mother--you inspire and encourage them and give them so much love and affection--they are very lucky indeed!
Scrap Doctor DesignsMisty--thank you for your fabulous tutorial!! You helped to RAWK my world today!!
Misty Cato DesignsCU Freebies Only--Thank you for the constant list of CU freebie designers! And, thank you to all of the designers who list their items at this blog! You are so wonderful!
cu freebies onlyA few of the CU designers found there:
My Treasured Scraps
Sophisticated Scraps
Delicious Scraps
With a Russian/Dutch Heart
The Scrappin Cop
WenchdGrafix Designs
Voodoo Scraps
Candys Treats
SKrapper Digitals
Bon Scrapatit Design---Linda! You are AWESOME girl!
Cre8ive Creations
DMK Designs
Strictly Reveal
The Maltese Scrapper
Heartfelt Perfection
Kwlkitten Designs
Bea Creations
Digital Imagery Plus
Cen's Lof
Sunshine Studio
Scrapping 'n' Taggin
Tantrum Scraps
This is a small sample of designers listed at CU freebies only and is in NO way complete!! Even still----that's a LOT of generous people, whew!!
I know there are more that I missed, but will be adding to this list!
Thank you all SO MUCH for everything you give and everything you do!!